About me



Hello! My name's fossy!
My full handle's a portmanteau of fossil and basilisk.
You may also refer to me by my fursona's name: Sundae, or Sunny for short. I'll respond to "bun" just as well.

I'm agender, aromantic and pansexual.
I'm also a hobbyist artist, writer, audio and video editor, graphic designer and web designer.

I don't particularly excel in any of these, but I find them fun, and that's all I really care about.
That, and inspiring others.


Sundae is a light beige anthropomorphic rabbit with pink eyes, a lime green nose and has an orange spot marking on his right eye.

He is my first original character and I most likely won't have many others besides him, since I identify with him a lot.

This might change with time, but... I haven't been able to solidify any potential ideas into a new character, a lot of them are just fleeting thoughts.
...or they end up as forms for Sundae, like a furred dragon form or a cat form.

If you'd like to see more art of him, check out my gallery; it's accessible from the sidebar! (or topbar if you're on lower resolutions)
